Deskripsi Pantai Batukaras Dalam Bahasa Inggris


Batu Karas is one of the coastal tourist destination in the area of Pangandaran, Ciamis, West Java .Objek tour this one is a blend of natural shades between attraction and Pantai Batu Hiu Pangandaran with serene natural atmosphere, ocean waves are friendly too sloping beaches make visitors feel at home . 

Located in the Village Batukaras, District Cijulang with a distance of ± 34 km from Pangandaran. Beach sloping with blue calm sea water waiting for you to immediately swim enjoy fresh water . You can enjoy the quiet atmosphere with the breeze enjoying a meal in a restaurant that is available .
The view off to the horizon gives you peace and enjoyable vacation memories . Tourism activities to do besides swim among others: boating in river, camping and surfing . If your vacation with your family, the accommodation has been provided to you, there are cottage equipped with a playground and a house of worship. This cottage is managed directly by Diparda Kudat District . Other facilities include: Hotel, Camping Ground, Souvenir Shop, TPI (Fish Auction Place), rented a surfboard and swimming tires .

We must maintain the cleanliness of the beach, in order to stay beautiful and a lot of visitors who come both local tourists and foreign tourists. Batukaras beach is beautiful.

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