Kumpulan Laporan PKL TKR Bahasa Ingris

A. Background
Industry Employment Practices ( PRAKERIN ) is one of the professional expertise of education that combines systematic and synchronized between educational programs in schools and mastery of skills gained through working directly with the world of work is directed to establish and mental skills of students so that upon graduation from vocational ready to go into the working world . Implementation of Industrial Employment Practices ( PRAKERIN ) held for 4 ( four ) months . To program the banking expertise , the school has been working with banking offices in the district as one of the Lumajang implementation Industry Employment Practices . It is implemented in order to improve the quality of graduate Vocational School ( SMK ) in achieving the relevant objectives between the world of education with workforce demands . 

Based on the structure of the vocational curriculum program that every student will proceed to the next semester and that will end the vocational education must implement the Industrial Employment Practices ( PRAKERIN ) in industries and institutions - private institutions . Practice in Industrial Work carried out with the expectation that students will graduate , can apply the knowledge and skills that are received by the school , so that if in the future the students working in the company can develop . PRAKERIN organizing activities is expected to improve students' skills and work ethic which include: the ability to work , work motivation , initiative , creativity , discipline and diligence in work .
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