Skripsi Hubungan Tingkat Kecemasan Dengan Kualitas Tidur Pada Lansia


Edi Kusnadi 2 Heni Marliany 3 Ayu Endang Purwati 4

The aging process makes the elderly more susceptible to sleep disorders, in addition to causing normal changes in sleep patterns and rest elderly Sleep disorders in the elderly is a state where the individual undergoes a change in the quantity and quality in the pattern of rest that causes discomfort or interfere with the desired lifestyle. Sleep disturbance in the elderly if left untreated will have a serious impact and become a chronic sleep disorder. Factors that cause disturbance of sleep patterns in the elderly is the addition of age, disease, pain, depression, anxiety, environment, and lifestyle.

The method in this research is descriptive analytic by using cross sectional approach that observation only done once according to time determined by researcher by seeing existence relation between dependent variable and independent. Population in this research is elderly in In Work Area of UPTD Health of Handapherang Health Center of Ciamis Regency as many as 3,471 people in year 2016. Sampling in this research use accidental sampling amount of sample obtained minimum 30elderly.

The results showed that anxiety level in elderly in Working Area of Puskesmas Handapherang of Ciamis Regency, highest frequency of moderate anxiety category as much 15 people (50%), sleep quality at elderly in Working Area of Handapherang Puskesmas of Ciamis Regency, highest frequency is bad category as much 58 people (63,3%) and there was a significant correlation between anxiety level and sleep quality in elderly in Handapherang District Health Center of Ciamis Regency because of α> ρ value (0,05> 0,000) and chi square (χ2) Chi square (χ2) table (18,768 > 7,815).

Suggestion expected elderly improve poor sleep quality by avoiding anxiety.

Keywords : Anxiety, Sleep quality
Literature : 30 References (2007-2017)
Description : 1 Title, 2 Name of Undergraduate Nursing, 3 Name of Supervisor I, 4 Name of Supervisor II

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