Contoh Artikel Deskripsi Bahasa Ingris


The Turkish Angora was probably the original longhaired cat, having developed naturally in the mountainous regions of Turkey, where the climate could be rough and very varying. The first few longhaired cats to arrive in the UK from Turkey came via France, and these were for a while known as “French cats”. Soon afterwards a different type of longhaired cat was brought in from Persia: what today is known as the Persian cat. As the early interest in longhaired cats concentrated on the type from Persia, the original longhaired cat from Ankara (then known as Angora) eventually died out. 
It was not until many decades later that breeders realized that this was indeed a separate breed of cat, not related to the Persian at all. The return of the original Angoras created some confusion because, in the meantime, certain British breeders had worked hard to re-create an ‘Angora’ type, using long-haired Oriental cats. By the 1960s, these artificially reconstituted cats had taken over the title of ‘Angoras’, with the result that the rediscovered original Angoras had to be given a more specific title. 
It was agreed that they should be called ‘Turkish Angoras’ to distinguish them from the ‘British Angoras’. The Turkish Angora, as the breed is now known, is still a fairly unknown breed in most countries. 


The Turkish Angora is a highly intelligent and very energetic cat. A cat which loves to play, it enjoys getting up to mischief and never stays still for long. It loves to jump and climb and is a very curious cat that wants to investigate every nook and cranny, even if it means getting accidentally shut inside cupboards in the process. It is a very people oriented cat that will happily follow its owner around the house. A talkative cat, the Turkish Angora is not as vocal as the Oriental, but still a cat that likes to have active conversations with its owner. 

The Turkish Angora is a semi-longhaired cat of Foreign type. The cat should give the impression of being graceful and elegant, with a long and muscular body. The head is small or medium in size, with a fairly long face, although not as long as that of the longhaired Oriental. There is no nose break. The ears are large and pointed, the eyes almond shaped and slightly slanted. The Turkish Angora is a medium sized cat. The legs are long and quite slender, with the hindlegs being longer than the frontlegs. The coat is fine and silky, with the fullest coat being found on the tail and the ruff on the chest. The coat lays smooth on the body.



Said cockatoo dated derived from the 17th century and is a derivation of the word from the Indonesian name for these birds, "Kakatuwah" (which means "representative" or "grip"; from powerful beak) or call white cockatoo itself, through the Dutch term kaketoe; said cock may affect kaketoe said. There are variants of the word cockatoos in the 17th century including cacato, cockatoon, crockadore, Cokato, cocatore, and cocatoo used in the 18th century The origin of the word is also used for the familia and generic names and Cacatua respective Cacatuidae respectively. 
Types of Cockatoos

Type yellow-crested cockatoo (English: Yellow-crested Cockatoo) usually live in pairs or in groups in small quantities. Very conspicuous when flying, with wings fast and powerful movements interspersed float and shout at each other. When it is spoken of perch, then lowered crest enforced. This kind of depressed with a surprising population explosion over the last 10-15 years, due to overfishing for the caged bird trade, and now rare due to this activity.

This species lives at an altitude of 0-1520 meters above sea level, usually in groups. Cockatoos are generally long-lived, up to 60 years or more.


Cockatoos inhabit primary and secondary forests are high and the edge of the forest; Also monsoon forests (Nusa Tenggara), high forest bush, a shrub whose tree rare and rare tree cultivated land. From sea level to an altitude of 900 m (Sulawesi), 1520 m (Lombok), 1000 m (Sumbawa), 700 m (Flores), 950+ m (Sumba) and 500+ m (Timor). while for the type of cockatoo Maluku (English: Salmon-crested Cockatoo) usually live alone, in pairs and small groups; first in a tree to sleep in groups of up to 16 birds. Generally unobtrusive, except when flying to and from the location of the tree to sleep when dusk and dawn. Although seen flying above the canopy but mostly flew below the canopy. Looking for a quiet meal with a canopy and middle canopy layer and has local distribution in the region Seram, Ambon, Haruku and Saparua. Cockatoos inhabit primary and secondary forests are high, damaged forests and live above sea level to an altitude of 1000 m.

Relationship with humans

In Indonesia, parrots made the name of children's songs. Can also be used as a pet cockatoo cockatoo bird known as a faithful and if the owner is going to protect endangered cockatoo owners. some people often maintain cockatoos since childhood taught to speak research shows when trained since childhood Parrot will be able to think like humans


Betta fish (Betta sp.) Is a freshwater fish native habitat are some countries in Southeast Asia, including Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, and Vietnam. This fish has a unique shape and character and tend to be aggressive in defending its territory. Among fans, betta fish are generally divided into three groups, namely Betta, Betta complaint, and wild betta. In Indonesia there is a genuine Hickey, one of which is betta channoides found in Pampang, East Kalimantan.

Betta fish are one of the strong fish survive for a long time so that when the fish is placed in a container with a little water volume and the absence of air circulation equipment (aerators), this fish can still survive.


The variety in terms of shape and color fairly rapidly in the last few generations. Some types Hickey known today:

  • Betta pugnax (Forest Betta)
  • Betta taeniata (Banned Betta)
  • Spotfin Betta (Bruney Beauty)
  • Betta unimaculata (Golden Slender)
  • Betta picta (Painted Betta)
  • Betta anabantoides (Pearly Betta)
  • Edithae Betta (Betta Brederi)
  • Betta foerschi (Saphire Purple Betta)

Betta is divided into several types, namely:

  • Halfmoon (half moon) betta species has fins and tail width and symmetrical like the shape of a half moon. Type Hickey was first cultivated in the United States by Peter Goettner in 1982.
  • Crowntail (tail crown) or serit
  • Double tail (double tail)
  • Halfmoon Plakat
  • giant (giant hickey), Betta species is the result of crossbreeding between ordinary with wild betta betta, betta this kind of size can reach 12 cm

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